Solar Panels

By Arnav Writes Official
2/2/2022 7:25 PM

Solar Panels

Solar Panels have been around for a long time. They have changed the world. It is gaining popularity & making coal & petrol very sad. From 1954 to 2022 the world is different with the solar panels.


Sir Mohammed M. Atalla

Quick History

These have been since 1839 but almost 115 years later, the first commercial solar panels were available in 1954. In 1954, Nokia Bell Labs (Yes, the phone company) created the first commericaly available viable silicon solar cells which was invented by Mohammed M. Atalla developed it. 

The rapid rise of solar has been increasing year by year.

Just over 43 years ago, it was over 100$ now in 2022, it is less than 0.5$ per Megawatt

How did the sharp decrease happen?
Since the good news of magic energy spread around the world, the demand shot through the roof. China also entered in the solar manufacturing industry which pushed the price down the hill.


It seems that places like Africa have never even heard of solar. Find more below.

Practical Uses

Solar has millions of uses in day to day life. Here are some of them

Solar Bus

Solar Car

Solar in space

You can't burn oil, coal or even natural gas. All these fossil fuels need air to burn & there is no air in outer space, solar remains as the only option.

This is Kanpur Central Station in Uttar Pradesh in India. It's solar panels provide energy for uses like the digital red-font clock & even provide energy for the electric trains.

100% of Kanpur Railway is electrified. 

The Transport sector

Red Lines are fully electrified. Black are non-electrified. Indian Railways is constantly adding overhead cables & solar panels. It is expected that 100% of the railways will be electrified by 2050.

India mostly still runs on coal & constant power outages means train delays, since all trains use overhead cables (to run the engine, the pantograph has to constantly touch the overhead cables) which cause train delays.

Seeing that most trains run during daytime, solar also run in daytime, running trains on solar may be the best option.

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